Delivering Equality Of Opportunity In Schools

DEIS is the whole school plan. In a DEIS school, there is no SSE Plan but a DEIS Plan.

The DEIS Plan 2017 sets out the Department’s vision for education to more fully become a proven pathway to better opportunities for those in communities at risk of disadvantage and social exclusion.

The Plan is based on the recent Review of the DEIS Programme (see Review Report attached below) and commitments in the Programme for a Partnership Government and the Action Plan for Education.

The Plan presents an ambitious set of objectives and actions to support children who are at the greatest risk of Educational disadvantage and introduces the actions required to support them based on 5 key goals;

  1. To implement a more robust and responsive Assessment Framework the for identification of schools and effective resource allocation

  2. To improve the learning experience and outcomes of pupils in DEIS schools

  3. To improve the capacity of school leaders and teachers to engage, plan and deploy resources to their best advantage.

  4. To support and foster best practices in schools through inter-agency collaboration

  5. To support the work of schools by providing the research, information, evaluation, and feedback to achieve the goals of the Plan